An ISO 9001 : 2015 CertifiedCompany, VIRDI ELECTRIC WORKS PVT LTD.Is one of the India'sleading manufacturer and exporter of wide range of transformers and weldingmachines.The company has beenEstablished in 1963 & has reputation in the market and manufactured tomeet the international standard of quality. Also our products come withtwo years warrantee.VEWPL Mission is tocontinuously invent high - quality engineering productsthat will produce a cost effective and is optimal for our clients.
VirdiMake Microprocessor Servo Voltage Stabilizer Three Phase Input range-300-470 Volts, Output range -400 Volts, 98% efficiency, Carbon Contacts, Digitally AC Voltmeter with selector switch to measure to Input/Output Voltage,Microprocessor Fully Automatic Control, CRGO M4Grade,Copper winding Electrolytic Copper Grade, Air Cooled.
Advantages Of Virdi Servo Voltage Stabilizer :-
Corrects voltage automatically and continuously.
Synchronousmotors operate at high efficiency when supplied with constant voltage.
Protectscostly equipment's from menace of high / low voltage, thus cutting down themaintenance cost.
Lowproduction losses & better efficiency in plant
100%depreciation as per income tax act.
Reductionin electricity bills up to the level of approximately 15% (This also depends onthe input variation loading and the number of working hours)
Savethe diesel cost, as generator is not required to run at high / low inputvoltage
Theaverage pay back period of microprocessor servo controlled voltagestabilizer owning the its high energy saving capability this is approx. 18month.